So many things have been changing in our lives, and one I would like to share is T-Ball!!!
The girls both started t-ball and are loving it. They each have their own team and play and practice at different times and different places. But that's my drama. As the girls are getting older we are learning so much about their personalities. Taylor, we have always know, is more of a girly girl. She likes to sing and dance, she loves the idea of boys, girly dresses, and really avoids any possible injury. We knew she would have fun with t-ball because it is less aggressive then soccer. She of course likes it but I think its because of all the hyper little boys on her team. She giggles and plays with her hair and then encourages them to chase her. ;) Don't let it fool you though, she hits the ball great and is understanding the game so much more everyday.
Brynnly is definitely more of a tom-boy. Don't get me wrong. She loves to paint her nails all shades of pink, she loves frilly dresses too, and always trys to wear the little makeup I own. She, however, can get hit in the head with a bat, rub it and shake it off. ( Taylor would be on the ground having convulsions). Last night was Brynns first game and she was so excited. She would just randomly spazz a little and giggle. She hit like a power house and was all over the field trying to get the ball. I could see her last night grown up, playing some sport, maybe c.i.f. , state, collage. I know, I know, she is only three and that's a long way away, but stephens just as excited as her for the sports avenue.
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